A few days ago I’ve discovered a website that provides a full map of the submarine cable that connects different countries. It has very good information: you can find the cable’s name, when it was fully operational, owner, landing points and sometimes a link. I was courious to see if there is some sea cable that connects Romania and it is:

KAFOS (Karadeniz Fiber Optik Sistemi – Black Sea Fibre Optic System) is a submarine telecommunications cable system in the Black Sea.
Cable Length: 538 km
Owners: Turk Telekom, Vivacom, Romtelecom, KPN, Telecom Italia Sparkle, Slovak Telekom, Rostelecom, BTLanding Points
Igneada, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Mangalia, Romania
Varna, Bulgaria
It has a transmission capacity of 622 Mbit/s, started operation on 13 June 1997.
If you want to see how the countries are connected via sea/ocean access http://www.submarinecablemap.com

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