A few days ago I’ve discovered a website that provides a full map of the submarine cable that connects different countries. It has very good information: you can find the cable’s name, when it was fully operational, owner, landing points and sometimes a link. I was courious to see if there is some sea cable [...]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
GPRS is broken
Posted by m-sec.net on August 12th, 2011

Researcher Karsten Nohl has recently presented at Chaos Communication Camp 2011 a way of intercepting GPRS traffic. What that means is that now you can read the traffic that your neighbor is doing on his phone, at least if he uses GPRS/EDGE. Along with Luca Melette, Karsten was able to [...]
My first post
Posted by m-sec.net on June 29th, 2011
This is my first post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus convallis metus molestie diam mattis quis facilisis dolor accumsan. Fusce porta porttitor mattis. Etiam mi justo, ornare sed pretium sit amet, auctor at nibh. Phasellus ut urna eu ante pellentesque sodales sed nec mi. Aliquam dapibus, dui ac gravida consectetur, mauris [...]